Cuzco Travels

Terms and Conditions

These are the Terms and Conditions that will apply to your reservation. Please read them carefully as you will be bound by them. Anyone who books any travel with Cuzco Travel is responsible under these terms and conditions. These Terms will constitute the entire agreement between the Company and the Customer regarding the subject matter hereof and will constitute a binding agreement. There is no verbal or written representation, warranty, prior agreement, or description of services other than those expressed in this document. The Contract is with Cuzco Travel, “the company”. By booking a trip, you agree to be subject to these Terms and Conditions governing the relationship, cancellation policy, and limitations of liability.

1. The Contract

All individuals wishing to make a reservation have carefully read and fully understand the following Terms and Conditions detailed below. By making a reservation with the Company, you, on behalf of yourself and all persons named in the reservation, including minors and persons with disabilities, agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. A reservation is accepted and becomes definitive only from the date the Company sends an invoice or confirmation email. At this point, a Contract between the Company and the Customer comes into effect. All persons named in the reservation will hereinafter be referred to as the “Customer,” and references to the Customer shall apply to all individuals so named. “Carrier” refers to the owner.
“Carrier’s Conditions” refers to the terms under which a carrier provides any transportation, including transportation by sea, road, rail, or air. The Carrier’s Conditions of carriage are available upon request and are expressly incorporated into this Contract. The liability of the carrier and the Company for death and/or personal injury and/or loss and/or damage to baggage may be limited by international conventions, including the Athens, Warsaw, or Montreal Conventions. “Contract” means the contract entered into between the Company and the Customer regarding the package, bus pass, adventure, multi-day tour, one-day tour, or independent trip in question, as evidenced by the issuance of the confirmation invoice sent by the Company or its sales agent to the Customer. “Independent Trip” means booking anything included in the Independent and Tailor-Made brochure. The service(s) to be provided is/are the tour(s) or service(s) mentioned in the reservation confirmation. “Package” refers to a bus pass, adventure, multi-day or one-day tour with or without flights and/or any accommodation lasting more than 24 hours and non-auxiliary transportation or other tourist services that represent a significant part of the Package.

2. Medical Conditions and Special Requirements

The Customer must notify the Company in writing during the booking process of any medical condition, pregnancy, disability, or any other mental or physical condition that may affect fitness to travel or any medical condition. Failure to notify the Company may result in the Customer being denied travel. Failure to notify the Company of any condition that may result in the cancellation of a Package will result in the total loss of all fees paid for the package without refunds. Some trips may be unsuitable for Customers due to age, mobility, disability, pregnancy, physical or mental conditions. It is the Customer’s responsibility to consult with a licensed physician before booking. The Company may refuse to carry pregnant women beyond 24 weeks or Customers with certain conditions. The Company is not obliged to provide any special facilities unless agreed to in writing. The Company will make every effort to accommodate Customers’ special requests, including dietary requirements, but such requests are not part of the Contract, and therefore, the Company is not responsible for not providing or fulfilling these requests. Medical facilities vary from country to country, and the Company is not liable or offers warranties regarding the level of such treatment. Traveling with Children: Customers who are 18 years old on the date of the first trip are considered adults. One adult over 18 years old must accompany every 2 children under 18 years old. The ratio of adults to children traveling together must be one adult per two children and two adults per four children (under 17 years old). The minimum age for Customers traveling on tours is 12 years old (for tours designated as Family, the minimum age is 5 years old). All inquiries regarding children are subject to review and approval by the Company, which reserves the right to restrict the number of travelers under 18 years old on tours. If the adult accompanying the child is not the child’s parent or the parents are divorced, then the legal parent or guardian must sign a “Parental Consent Guardianship Form” (or other documents provided as requested by the Company) and received by the Company before departure. *Inca Trail and Other Treks Requirements: Customer details, including full name as it appears on the passport the Customer will be traveling with, passport number, passport expiration date, date of birth, and nationality, are necessary to confirm a reservation. Any changes to these details may result in the inability to obtain an Inca Trail permit or a Reservation. The Company will not be responsible for any fees imposed as a result.

3. Currency

The Company sells in two global currencies: Euro (EUR €) and United States Dollar (USD $). However, the Company reserves the right to apply the currency of its choice to the reservation.

4. Full Payment Schedule/Reservation Acceptance/Client Details

Full Payment: The Company shall confirm the acceptance of the Client’s reservation in writing. Please refer to the confirmation invoice and/or confirmation email for details regarding full payment. The full payment of the tour price must be made 60 days prior to the departure date of the first reserved service. If full payment is not received by the due date, rates and tour space cannot be guaranteed. If a reservation is made 60 days or less before the departure date of the first reserved service, the full amount will be payable at the time the reservation is confirmed. If this balance is not paid at the time of reservation confirmation, the Company reserves the right to treat the Client’s reservation as canceled. Customized trips require full payment at the time of booking. If the full payment differs from the description in this clause, the requirement will be informed at the time of booking and detailed on the invoice.

Client Details: In order for the Company to confirm and secure the Client’s travel arrangements, the Client must provide all Client Details along with their full payment. If the Client fails to provide all details 60 days or more before departure, an administrative fee will be charged to the Client. In the event that the Company has not received the client details 30 days before the Client’s travel departure, the Company reserves the right to treat the file as canceled, and full cancellation fees will apply. The required client details will vary from tour to tour and will be informed during the booking process. However, at a minimum, Client Details include passport number, passport expiration date, passport issuance date and place, completed medical form, full name as it appears on the passport, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, and arrival details (or other documents requested by the Company). A reservation may not be confirmed without providing the client details. Credit Card Charges: The Company is not responsible for any charges incurred in credit card transactions and will not refund or reimburse any charges imposed by third parties during the tour cost transaction.

5. Tour Cancellation by the Client

Any cancellation by a Client must be made in writing and acknowledged by the Company in writing. The date on which the Company or its Agents receive the cancellation request will determine the applicable cancellation fees. Cancellation for Cuzco Travel. Cancellation expenses are expressed below as a percentage of the total trip price, excluding insurance. Cancellation fees for all Cuzco Travel products are subject to change without prior notice.

Client Cancellation – Day Trips (except Machu Picchu)
More than 7 days before trip departure – Full refund
Between 3 and 6 days before trip departure – 50% of the total reservation price will be charged
Between 0 and 2 days before trip departure – No refund

Machu Picchu Hikes (Salkantay, Lares, Inca Jungle, Sacred Valley, Choquequirao)

Client Cancellation
More than 30 days before hike departure – Full refund
Between 7 and 29 days before hike departure – 50% of the total reservation price will be charged
Between 0 and 6 days before hike departure – No refund

Date Change
More than 30 days before hike departure – No charges
Between 3 and 29 days before hike departure – $70 USD will be charged
Between 0 and 2 days – Date changes cannot be made (20% discount on booking another hike)

6. Tour Cancellation by the Company

The Company reserves the right to cancel any trip for any reason, but it will not cancel a tour with less than 30 days before departure, except for force majeure, unusual or unforeseen circumstances beyond the Company’s control. When the Company cancels a tour before the agreed departure date for any reason other than the Customer’s fault or force majeure, the Customer may:

  • Take a substitute tour of equivalent or superior quality if the Company can and is willing to offer such a substitute; or take a substitute tour of lesser quality if the Company can and is willing to offer one and recover from the Company the price difference between the originally purchased tour and the substitute tour; or receive a full refund of all money paid under the contract as soon as possible.

The Company is not responsible for any incidental expenses or consequential losses that the Customer may have incurred as a result of the booking, such as visas, non-refundable flights or trains, car parking or other non-refundable fees, loss of profits, loss of enjoyment, etc. If a refund is offered to the Customer but they request an alternative tour of higher value than the originally booked one, then the Customer must pay the price difference. When a significant portion of the contracted trip cannot be provided after departure, the Company will make suitable alternative arrangements for the continuation of the trip. If it is not possible to provide a suitable alternative or if the Customer reasonably rejects any suitable alternative, the Company will refund the unused portions of the tour to the Customer. When a significant modification or cancellation occurs that is not due to force majeure or other circumstances beyond the Company’s control, the Company may offer compensation under certain circumstances. The substitution of a vessel, itinerary modification, change of cabin category, or hotel accommodation within the same category are not considered significant alterations.

7. Unused Services

There will be no discounts or refunds for lost or unused services. This includes voluntary or involuntary termination/departure from the tour, such as illness, death of a family member, etc., late arrival to the tour, or early departure, whether voluntary or involuntary.

8. Prices, Surcharges, and Taxes

The prices of published tours may increase or decrease from the time of publication. The Company recommends that the Customer inquire about the most up-to-date price of their tours, including the costs of any other services provided by the Company at the time of booking. The Company reserves the right to increase the price of the trip after the holidays have been booked, but not more than 30 days before the specified departure date. After a Confirmation Invoice has been issued, any increase in the price of the trip will be the result of changes in transportation costs, including fuel costs, fees, taxes, or charges imposed on services, such as landing taxes or boarding or disembarkation fees at ports and airports, including currency fluctuations. If the increase is 2% or less of the holiday price, the Company will absorb the changes in its costs of providing the trip.

9. Validity

The prices on this website and in the brochure are based on rates and costs in effect at the time of publication on the website or printing of the brochure. The Company reserves the right to modify prices at any time before the tour has been fully paid. All dates, itineraries, and prices are indicative only.

10. Flexibility

Viajes Cuzco may modify its schedule(s), including those affected by products from other Operators and in relation to all services provided in this ticket, without prior notice. The Customer appreciates and acknowledges that the nature of this type of travel requires considerable flexibility and must allow for alternatives. The itinerary provided for each trip is merely representative of the types of activities contemplated, and Cuzco Travel has no contractual obligation to strictly follow it. It is understood that the route, schedules, itineraries, amenities, and mode of transportation may be subject to changes without prior notice due to circumstances or local events, which may include illnesses or mechanical breakdowns, flight cancellations, strikes, events arising from political disputes, entry or border difficulties, peak season, weather, and other unpredictable or unforeseen circumstances.

11. Acceptance of Risk

The Customer acknowledges that the nature of the tour is adventurous and may involve a significant amount of personal risk. The Customer assumes all risks and releases the Company from all claims and causes of action arising from any damage, injury, or death resulting from these inherent risks. Prior to the commencement of the tour, the Customer may be required to sign a participation form.

12. Insurance

It is mandatory for all Customers to obtain travel insurance with a minimum medical coverage of US$75,000 while traveling with the Company, and this insurance must cover personal injury, medical expenses, repatriation expenses, and evacuation expenses. Customers must be able to provide proof of insurance purchase and adequate coverage according to the required amounts mentioned above if requested by the group leader or company representative.

13. Illegal Substances

Cuzco Travel does not allow Customers to carry any kind of illegal drugs on any of our trips. If federal police search and find illegal drugs in a Customer’s bag or on their person, Cuzco Travel will not be held responsible. The Customer will be responsible and assume full liability for the consequences of carrying illegal drugs in a foreign country.

14. Discounts and Promotions

All discounts and reduced prices are applied at the discretion of the Company.

15. Privacy Policy

Cuzco Travel will provide your personal information, as well as any personal information you provide in relation to individuals whose travel arrangements you have requested, to suppliers and carriers to enable the operation of the services requested by you. We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information.


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