Cuzco Travels

Full Day Circuit Tour of the Colcas


The Peasant Communities of Huaynaqolqa and Raqchi-Machuqolqa are communities engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. These picturesque high Andean communities are considered natural viewpoints of the enigmatic Sacred Valley of the Incas from a different perspective. They are places that connect with the main Sacred Mountains that traverse alongside the fertile Urubamba Valley. The Huaynaqolqa Peasant Community possesses various traditional oral and cultural activities that are shared with visitors through cultural exchanges, including hikes, Andean gastronomy, Andean ceremonies, myths, crafts, and adventure activities. We invite you to discover a new community alternative experience.


Full Day Circuit Tour of the Colcas

USD 125

Day 1

To begin our journey, we will pick you up from your hotel at 8:00 am in our transportation. From the city of Cusco, we will head towards the Machuqolqa viewpoint, our first destination on the circuit, passing through traditional towns like Chinchero. This initial journey takes approximately 45 minutes. Once we arrive at the Machuqolqa viewpoint, we will disembark from our transportation and enjoy our first view of the sacred Apus (mountains) such as La Verónica (Weqey willka), Pumahuanca, Chicon, and the Sacred Valley of the Incas. We will spend an estimated 30 minutes here, and you will have the opportunity to acquire local crafts as souvenirs. Continuing in Machuqolqa, we will ascend for 15 minutes to the archaeological site of the same name, where we will explore the unique and peculiar system of product conservation used during the Inca era. After concluding our visit to Machuqolqa, we will embark on a 1 hour and 15-minute hike to the Paca Huaynaqolqa community, enjoying impressive views and passing through various crops of Andean products such as potatoes, quinoa, tarwi, and corn, as well as wheat and barley, depending on the season. Upon reaching the Huaynaqolqa community, we will be welcomed with music, dance, and traditional attire. Together with the locals, we will go to a family home where we will share lunch. The meal will be a traditional Andean dish called Pachamanca, prepared with local products cultivated by the farmers. Pachamanca consists of beef, chicken, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, huacatay (a Peruvian herb), chili peppers, cumin, bell peppers, and other spices, cooked on preheated stones, which gives it a unique flavor different from typical city food. Another option is Cuy al Palo, a dish featuring roasted guinea pig flavored with Andean herbs, prepared as our ancestors used to make it. Both dishes will be prepared according to the season to ensure the best flavor. If you have any dietary preferences, alternative options can be arranged. We will also have the opportunity to prepare Uchucuta with “el batán,” a sauce that accompanies our lunch and will be made with our own hands. Our traditional lunch will be around 12:30 pm, followed by a rest period. After our lunch break, we will continue to another viewpoint, this time at the archaeological site of Huaynaqolqa. From its privileged location, we will admire another perspective of the Sacred Valley of the Incas and its secrets hidden among the mountains, such as the charms of Pitusiray and Sahuasiray. This is a mythical tale of challenges and romance said to have taken place during the Inca era. It is recommended for couples who wish to reaffirm their vows in an “Andean Marriage” ceremony, with the mountains and Pachamama (Mother Earth) as witnesses, accompanied by Andean music and dance. We will also make an offering of gratitude and connection with nature as a farewell to these places, preserving the positive energy of our journey. To conclude the day, you have the option to continue to Urubamba, Ollantaytambo, or Machu Picchu, or return to the city of Cusco. Our transportation will pick you up and take you to the chosen destination.

  • Private transportation.
  • Circuit Tour of the Colcas: Machucolca – Huaynacolca.
  • Official Tour Guide fluent in Spanish, English, and Quechua.
  • Meals: Typical lunch included.
  • Transfers.
  • Assistance.
  • Entrance fees to tourist sites included.
  • Gratuities not included.

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